What is Human Design?
I recently came across an interesting website. It’s called answerthepublic.com. It offers some interesting insight into the questions people are asking online. I thought it might be interesting to see what Human Design questions are being asked.
When you go to the site and type in your subject, a whole bunch of the top questions that have been searched regarding that subject pop up. Try it for yourself. It’s really quite cool!
Here’s what came up when I put “Human Design” into the search.
With so many questions, I thought it might be fun to do a post that takes a whole lot of them and answers them in one place. We won’t get to them all but let’s have a go at a few at least:
1. Which Human Design Type am I?
What type of Human Design am I?
Determining your Human Design type (i.e. Manifestor, Generator, Man Gen, Projector or Reflector) is easy. Go to any of the following websites and input your birth details by following their instructions.
These are the sites I’m familiar with and have personally used. There are many others out there that I’m sure are also good…
www.mybodygraph.com – Popular because it’s part of Ra’s (see below) legacy, this is a simple to use site that many of us start our HD journey with.
Eady to store lots of charts (of family, friends, people you see on Netflix documentaries 😉).
www.taraka.io – With a free “just now” (current neutrino weather) chart which is interesting for those following the current transits and their effect on your energy and chart.
Importantly, also has transits and explanations of minor planets (shout out to those kuiper belt objects we are hearing a lot about in some circles) not available on other sites.
Really nice bodygraph image – that’s important to me!
www.geneticmatrix.com – Comes with a cool function in free version where you can overlay your chart with the current transits to see how you are being affected. Look for “foundation transit” on the Foundation drop down.
Each of these sites and others have premium paid versions where you are able to access other more detailed information.
*I should mention that these functionalities were correct at time of writing.
2. What is Human Design
How can Human Design help you?
Human Design is a Life Navigation tool. It’s a blueprint for your energy and personality. It shows how you make decisions that are best for you. It also shows how you are designed to use your energy, how you understand things (we are all wired to “know” in specific ways), what your life purpose is, your strengths, wisdoms and vulnerabilities and much more.
Human Design allows us to see how we have been “programmed” by the specific placement of celestial objects including the Sun, the Earth and Planets at the time and place of our birth and at the time of our soul’s incarnation. Our soul incarnates 88 astrological degrees or approximately 3 months prior to our birth.
The system synthesises esoteric wisdoms including
• The Hindu Chakra system, Eastern and Western Astrology,
• The Chinese I ‘Ching
• The Judaic Kabbalah
• Together with Modern Knowledge of Genetics including DNA and Epigenetics, Biochemistry, Cosmology and of course Quantum Physics.
It’s in this programming that we learn how we are best able to make decisions throughout our lives that are aligned with our life and soul’s purpose.
3. Who created Human Design?
Human Design was “created” or rather, channelled by Ra Uru Hu, a Canadian gentleman formerly known as Alan Krakower. At the time he was living a hermit lifestyle in Ibiza Spain. In January 1987 the system was transmitted to him during a mystical experience that lasted 8 days and nights. A light and what has become known as “The Voice” gave him information about the Universe and instructions for what is now known as Human Design. Ra was told the information was for the evolution of humanity and especially that it was “for the children”.
He then spent the next few years putting the system and its intricacies together and then travelling the world teaching willing students about it.
Ra was a Manifestor. He passed away in 2011.
4. Is Human Design Legit?
Those who understand their own Human Design and the difference that it’s made to the lives of thousands will shout loudly that it is indeed legit! Those who have not had a reading, who have not learnt sufficiently to understand their own chart, or those who do not have accurate birth details (vital in order to get an accurate reading) may question the systems validity.
Ra Uru Hu said many times that Human Design is an experiment. It’s meant to be experimented and played with.
It’s important to realise that Human Design is NOT a psychic tool. It is based on complex mathematics and thousands of generations of learned wisdom.
Your own experience with Human Design is the only way to tell whether its legit or not.
5. Is Human Design Astrology?
No. Some aspects of Astrology have been used in the composition of the system though.
In particular, for those of you who have some understanding of Astrology, each of the 64 Human Design gates are located (in the heavens) within the locations of the 12 Astrological signs. You won’t be surprised to realise (once again for those of you who know Astrology) that the gates carry the flavour or essence of whatever sign they ‘live’ in.
The Human Design Mandala pictured to the right, shows how the 12 Astro signs are located within the Mandala, opposite their corresponding gate numbers. You’ll notice the glyph for Scorpio ♏ circled in pink and Taurus ♉ circled in light purple. For example, the gate 28 is located in the sign of Scorpio (pink circle) and the gate 31 is located in Leo (dark purple circle). Whereas the gate 56 (to left of gate 31 near dark purple circle) occurs at the point where Cancer ♋ and Leo ♌ meet and so contains the essence of both Cancer and Leo.
A major difference between HD and Astrology is that the Human Design chart is constructed using 2 sets of information unlike Astrology which uses only one set – your time of birth. The two columns of numbers – the black known as the Personality or Conscious and the Red known as the Design or Unconscious are derived from two different times in your life.
The Black column is derived from the position of the Celestial Objects at the exact time of your birth. This black column correlates directly with the birth information used in classic Western Tropical Astrology. In Human Design we also have the Red column which is determined by the position of the Celestial Objects approximately 3 months prior to your birth (88 Astrological degrees). When the gates from both sides of the chart are combined and layed into the actual bodygraph, we get an holistic perspective. We see not only who you know you are in this life (the black gates), but also what you brought with you through your genetic inheritance as well as information you may have brought with you from previous incarnations (the red gates).
6. What are the Human Design Types?
The 5 Human Design Types are:
Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors and Reflectors.
Download my mini guide to the 5 Human Design types here to get a concise guide to how each of the 5 types operate.
If you prefer more detail, you can also download my eBook An Introduction to Your Human Design here
Both of these resources are available to you at no cost.
7. How to interpret Human Design.
More a statement than a question.
Do you want to learn about Human Design in general or do you want to interpret your own chart?
A Human Design reading is of course a great place to start If you want to have your own chart interpreted, which is highly recommended for everyone. A good Human Design Reading will bring all the aspects of your chart into a cohesive and usually affirming story of exactly who you are and came here. This can be and is very often, life changing in a very positive way. Those of us who already have a deep understanding of HD will have readings with others from time to time. It can be difficult to get a true perspecitive on your own chart from your own analysis and even if that’s possible, it’s always good to see what someone else interprets.
If you’re curious about having a reading, check out my offerings here
If you want to learn about Human Design then it’s a question of how deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go?
There are many courses out there available. I offer a few options including group courses (refer to the Human Design Courses under the Human Design tab on the menu above) as well as individual coaching and there are plenty of other teachers out there too. Just be sure before you sign up with a teacher, that you have some idea of the quality of their work and even more importantly, that you resonate with them.
8. Can Your Human Design Change?
Short answer is no. Your chart remains the same for your entire life.
However…if you have a 6 in your personality profile which is the Role Model profile (3/6, 4/6, 6/2 or 6/3), then your life goes through 3 phases. The first phase is from age 0 – 29.5 where you are in your experimental phase so your learning is done through experimentation. The second phase from 29.5 – 50 is known as the “On the roof” phase where you are integrating what you learnt about yourself and the world and healing from the wounds of the first 30ish years. The 3rd phase is the final phase – your post 50 years where you become the fully fledged Role Model. Check out this video for more information on the 6th line profile.
Another change in emphasis that occurs in the chart is the energy of the Nodes. Your chart has gate activations in the North Node and the South Nodes. The South Node relates to the themes of your first 42ish years. Up until your first Uranus opposition (When Uranus reaches the half way point of it’s journey back to where it was at the time of your birth). The North Node relates to the themes of your post 42..ish years.
Although you experience both North and South node energy for your entire life, the thematic emphasis depends on what stage of your life you’re at.
And something else to ponder… after a near death experience, people will often have a Human Design reading for that exact date, place and time. Especially a little while after when they realise that their whole reason for being seems to have changed since
9. What Human Design is….
Tony (Anthony) Robbins – Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority
Elon Musk – Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority
Beyonce – Manifesting Generator with Sacral Authority
Will Smith – Generator with Emotional Authority
Will Ferrell – Generator with Sacral Authority
Please note that with celebrities as with anyone, the Human Design information available about them is only as good as the birth data that the chart has been created from. We’re relying on the correct information being supplied/available to create the chart in the first place.
Here are a few others that might be interesting as well…
Diana Spencer – Projector with Emotional Authority
Elvis Presley – Generator with Emotional Authority
Michael Jackson – Projector with Emotional Authority (although due to conflicting birth data, he is also sometimes shown as a Reflector – which actually sits really well with me)
(Prince) William Windsor – Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority
Jeff Bezos – Projector with Splenic Authority
Johnny Depp – Manifestor with Emotional Authority
Tom Cruise – Manifestor with Emotional Authority
Oprah Winfrey – Generator with Emotional Authority
Marilyn Monroe – Projector with Emotional Authority
Maya Angelou – Manifestor with Splenic Authority
Mel Gibson – Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority
Joe Biden – Generator with Sacral Authority
Donald Trump – Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority
Barack Obama – Projector with Emotional Authority
John F. Kennedy (Snr) – Projector with Emotional Authority
John F. Kennedy (Jnr) – Manifesting Generator with Emotional Authority
Well there you go!
I hope you liked this little mish mash of Human Design information.
Perhaps you got here because you asked one of those questions…
Much love
Ros xx