In recent times, I’ve become more and more interested in Astrology and its role in Human Design.
Like many, I’ve dabbled in Astrology readings over the years, with both curiosity and the hope that it would bring me the certainty that I was so desperately seeking.
Clearly at those stages of my personal evolution, I wasn’t ready for Astrology… or certainty, because it didn’t bring me either!
So I left it buried where it belonged – in the deep inner pages of the newspaper and the back pages of glossy magazines that I spent way too much money on.
What I’ve recently come to realise though, as I’m sure many of you have known for a long time, is that Astrology is actually so much bigger and more important in our Human Evolution and that of the Planet than I ever imagined.
Astrology has been used for who really knows how long – Wiki tells us Humans have used it since Babylonian times. Certainly since before we had access to any other streams of information.
We could probably check the Astrology to find out when it was first used!
Before books, the internet, computer modelling, netflix and the nightly news (which I strongly advise you to turn off completely or at the very least, be extremely discerning about), Astrology was The guidance system.
Written in the Stars
Let’s put some context around how the position of the stars at a specific time in history (and of course, at the time of your birth!) can affect this planet and it’s inhabitants.
Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, talks about how the planets and objects, specifically those mentioned in your Human Design Bodygraph are penetrated by neutrinos – sub atomic particles that are so small they can pass easily through pretty much anything including planets and us. As the neutrinos pass through the planets, they pick up the ‘flavour’ of that planets energy and continue on their journey to us. They zoom towards us at speeds much faster than we can fathom and depending on which of the 64 gates the planet they came from is transiting in, the flavour they have picked up from the planet intermingles with our energy and leaves us imprinted with that particular energy.
This process applies from a Human Design and Astrological perspective.
Past, Present, Future
Astrology can speak about our everything – past, present and future
Personally and collectively, it’s all laid out for us in the sky.
It can very specifically pinpoint events and evolutionary transformations. Major events in our history can be aligned to specific astrological placements. It offers reliable prediction of what is coming in the near and far future. And, it’s a brilliant explanation of what we are experiencing and feeling in the here and now.
It looks at events concerning financials, world events, the weather, relationships – personal and global, systems, governments, food supplies, periods of tension and periods of calm. (is there such a thing???)
What does Astrology have to do with Human Design?
Along with the Chakra system, the Kabbalah and the I Ching; Astrology is of course, one of the esoteric wisdoms around which Human Design was established. I’m super interested in anything related to energetics, spirituality and healing. I cut my woo teeth on a deep education and immersion in the Hindu Chakra system.
So once I’d gone deep into Human Design and acknowledged its incredible accuracy, I was compelled to look further into Astrology.
Astrology and Human Design are intrinsically linked. Put as simply as possible, if we consider the Human Design Mandala around which your Human Design Bodygraph is created, we can see that it is segmented into the 64 Human Design Gates. These gates are always in the specific order you see in the diagram.
The next most inner circle contains the Astrology signs also known as glyphs. (see image below)
Check out your Astrology sign (otherwise known as your Sun sign) and then look for that particular glyph on the Mandala. Where your Sun sign lives, you’ll find the Gate that is your Conscious Sun gate somewhere in the outer circle in.
Cool hey!You will notice that there are usually between 5 and 5 1/2 Human Design Gates per sign. To put that another way, there are 64 gates and 12 signs – 64 divided by 12 is 5.33 so there is an average of 5.33 HD gates per astrological sign.
To help you imagine how this all comes together, Each Astrological sign can be considered (or perhaps imagined) as one of 12 regions in the sky that are always in the same place and order. And so too, are each of the Human Design gates. You could think of them as smaller sub-regions of the Astro signs/regions. While the Astro signs and Human Design gates are always stationary, it’s the planets and objects (eg, The Sun, The Moon, The Nodes, Saturn, Mars etc) that are constantly on the move and ‘transiting’ through them.
No matter how much or how little you know about Astrology, you know that each sign has a different energy or flavour. And each HD gate has a different energy or flavour too. So, as we move through an Astrology sign on the Mandala, we get to experience a different aspect of it depending on the gate that is being transited.
For example, the gate 9 is always in the astrological sign of Sagittarius.
To put that into context for you, when we check the Mandala, we can see that the gate 9 is in the sign of Sagittarius. So we know it will be transiting the Sun sometime between November 21 and December 21 when the Sign of Sagittarius is in play. (Specifically, the 9 transits in late November/early December). Anyone born at this time will have the gate 9 as their Conscious Sun Gate.
The Gate 35 is always in Gemini and the gate 57 is always in Libra.
The gate 25 is one of those that falls in between sign delineations. It falls between Pisces and Aries so depending on the actual date of birth (sometime around the March Equinox – either before or after) it might fall in either sign and can be really on the cusp.
I love Human Design. It’s my first Esoteric Wisdom Love for sure. It’s the most powerful personal guidance system I know of. The reason it is so powerful is because it takes from many incredibly wise and important systems and combines them into something that continues to blow my mind with its accuracy every day.
Having cleared that up, I am also fascinated by Astrology and excited to continue my learning both theoretically and practically.
I’ll keep you posted!
Much love to you
Ros xx
Here are some of the wonderful Astrologers I’ve been watching lately.
Let me know in the comments of your favourites and why.
Pam Gregory Pam does wonderful forecasting videos on the New and Full Moons. She also have a couple of great books available
Kelley Rosano
Divinely Jennifer
For my Sidereal Astro friends, you can check out more on Sidereal HD here (please note the option to run Sidereal charts is only available as part of their premium paid option*) but a couple of things to note – I have respect for Sidereal Astrology however Sidereal Human Design is a whole other rabbit hole that may simply side track you.
* I have no affiliation with this website