Burnout is an often misunderstood state of being.
It’s regularly only mentioned when we finally succumb to the ‘nervous break down’ or depression or perhaps chronic fatigue; when the signs have been there for a good long time.
The truth is that right now, many of us are in varying states of burnout.
Burnout is an energy that keeps you from:
- Participating fully in life
- Embodying and expressing joy
- Expressing your potential
- Making your contribution to the world
- Fulfilling your destiny
- Being your authentic self
Physical Signs that you may be in burnout:
- Feeling tired and drained most of the time
- Compromised immunity – fall sick easily (auto immune disease can be due to burnout)
- Persistent headaches, back pain, muscle pain.
- Changes in sleep habits, eating habits, self care habits
- That feeling of running on empty
Emotional Signs that you may be in burnout:
- Experiencing self doubt, sense of failure
- Feeling helpless, trapped, defeated
- Feeling detached, alone
- No motivation
- Negative, cynical outlook
- Constant feelings of bitterness, anger &/or frustration, disappointment,
- Lacking feelings of accomplishment
Behavioral Signs that you may be in burnout:
- Prolonged procrastination
- Avoiding, shunning, dodging what we think we should be doing
- Closing others out
- A lack of self-care
- Abusing food, drugs, alcohol, shopping, exercise etc
We have been conditioned
Especially in the western world, Humans have been conditioned to do what we feel we have to do instead of what we want to do. It’s the way societies have been structured since the the industrial revolution took hold and has only been growing stronger.
We Humans are not designed for the daily drudge – to do what we have to in order to get by. As fairytale as that might sound, it’s true.
Doing what we have to do instead of what we want to do is a perfect recipe for burnout.
We are designed to do do what we love; to do what lights us up.
We are designed to live our highest excitement.
Burnout is also experienced when we see things in the world that we know are not right and feel powerless to have any effect on them. There is so much in the media that is designed to invoke fear, sadness and even varying states of depression.
We allow that powerlessness to enter our energy field and it drags us down.
Live the life of your dreams.
The best way to bring into being a world that allows you to live the life of your dreams, doing what lights you up and changing the world for the better in the process, is to change yourself.
Start doing what lights you up – even it it’s just baby steps at the start.
Ask yourself regularly, “is this lighting me up?”. If it’s not, then take action to change the situation.
You have to start caring for and loving yourself before you’ll see a real difference. (Follow your Human Design strategy and you’ll find this will happen naturally.)
Imagine the world we would be living in if every Human on the planet was doing what they loved,
Oh, and stop watching the news!
(You already have haven’t you! 😉)
Much love