In recent posts, we’ve been talking about the Energy Centres. In this post, we talked about what they are and what they do. And in this post, we talked about what it means to have undefined energy centres.
Now it’s time time to talk about the undefined energy centres.
Before we go any further, let’s clear up the whole open v defined conversation.
Technically, when a centre is referred to as being open, that means it has no defined gates coming off it. So it’s a little island of white with no black or red lines coming off it. Technically…
An undefined energy centre technically refers to a centre that does have defined gates coming off it. It might have one gate or several gates.
However, these days, the waters have been muddied. Heck, Ra muddied them often himself with this nomenclature. To the point where ‘open’ pretty much simply means ‘undefined’.
I often refer to a white centre with gates coming off it as open. It’s easier to understand and visualise.
Let’s move on…
Wherever you have Undefined centres in the chart is where you are taking in energy from those around you as well as any current planetary transits…
Just like the amplifier in a rock band’s equipment, taking the sound that a guitar makes and making it louder – that’s what your open centres do…
So an open centre will “feel” the energy it is taking in from outside of itself even more than the defined centre it’s coming from will ‘feel’ the energy. And it’s not even theirs.
The open centres are where you are most prone to conditioning. To believing that you are what you are not.
You have no ‘consistent’ energy of your own in your open areas. Remember, where you are defined is where you have access to consistent, reliable, sustainable energy of your own. But this is not the case in your open centres.
Because of this, you may believe that what you are told by others around you, pertaining to your open centres is actually true for you.
This conditioning can come from our parents, teachers, bosses, marketers trying to sell us things, our governments…anyone with a vested interest, or indeed, their own conditioning that they are (often) innocently passing on to us. It really is almost impossible to avoid in modern society. (Modern society is a form of conditioning itself!)
You can very easily be conditioned by your family from an early age. To believe that you are something you are not. Just because an energy; a way of being is consistent and sustainable for a parent, doesn’t mean that it necessarily is for the child and vise versa. This is where we can so easily trip ourselves and our kids up. Parents just teaching/imprinting/insisting on what they think they should because it either comes so naturally for them, or, they themselves were conditioned to believe it was correct/polite/appropriate/etc.
And often, parents are only doing the best they can with what they have been told is true.
This whole conditioning worm hole only gets bigger and potentially uglier as we mesh ourselves into culture, traditions and expectation.
But…it is in your undefined centres that you are designed to be very wise.
We can overtime, develop a real richness of understanding about the energy represented by our openness. Because we have experienced it in so many ways from so many people and transits we are able to use this wisdom of the open centres to help ourselves and others.
That’s a beautiful thing.
Where we are defined, we already know. It’s our openness that keeps us interested in life. Where we are open can be exciting, stimulating, curiosity evoking.
That too is the beautiful truth of who we are.
Check out your chart and see which centres you have open.