Are you ready to learn more about your Human Design?
Allow me to interpret your Human Design chart for you.
Whether you've had a prior Human Design reading or are completley new to this amazing life navigation tool, this special recorded reading will provide incredibly valuable information that will allow you to understand who you came here to be in this world and how you are designed to operate.
All that is needed is your Date, Time and Place of birth.
(It’s important to be as accurate as possible with this information in order for the Human Design Chart to be accurate. The information you get in your reading can only be as accurate as the birth information you supply.)
When your payment is received, you will be sent an email asking for:
- Your birth details
- An indication of your own Human Design knowledge
Once you've made your payment, you can send the above information directly to ros@findyournaturalgroove.com using the subject Recorded Human Design Reading
- If you wish, you can ask up to 3 specific questions to be addressed during the reading.
Or you might prefer the reading to flow on it's own.
please note, the session is 40 minutes long so be mindful of how much information can be shared in that time.
Once your birth information is recieved, you can expect to receive your recording within 7 business days
(I'll endevour to get your reading to you inside 7 business days but it will be dependent upon demand and current workload)
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