Manifestors are rare sparks!
They make up only 9 – 10% of Humanity.
Manifestors are here to get things started. They are here to initate others into action. You are here make things happen!
Manifestors are the only type who can dream something into existence.
All the other types have to wait.
Baby you’re a firework!
You go hard and fast and then run out of energy.
Manifestors don’t have access to sustainable life-force or work-force energy like the Generator types do. They don’t have a huge amount of physical energy life force and workforce energy. They have energy to get things going but are not designed to do carry the project to it’s fruition – they initiate others to make that happen.
If Manifestors continue to push themselves beyond their physical or energetic capacity, they will burnout.
We see this a lot with Manifestors.
Spontaneity versus clarity
Because they can be so busy and so keen to get things done, Manifestors can be very spontaneous, not taking the time to feel into a decision before leaping into action. This can be where mistakes are made. It has to feel right in your body. The more right it feels in your body, the more likely it’s going to work out for you.
Of course, if your Emotional Solar Plexus is defined, you must wait for that clarity that only time will bring. Your Emotional Solar Plexus is that triangle on the far right of the Human Design Chart approximately 2/3rds of the way down. If it’s coloured in, you have Emotional Authority and need to wait before making decisions. You can read more about Emotional Authority here.
Manifestor independence
Manifestors tend to be independent types. They don’t really need others although sometimes they can feel loneliness because their auras can be quite dense and hard to penetrate. This can cause others to get out of their way instead of welcoming them in. Informing is your strategy to mitigate this. (More in informing later in this article.)
And they certainly don’t like to be controlled. Sadly though, most Manifestors have a history of themselves being controlled which can “condition” them away from being the incredible initiators that they are.
The non-verbal creative flow
Manifestors will often have going on in their head, what can only be described as a non-verbal creative flow. They don’t like to be interrupted when this flow state is on. It’s like the ball in a pin ball machine belting around the machine going ping ping ping wherever the energy takes it. (Manifesting Generators have this too). Being interupted when in this state can cause anger.
Manifestors and sleep
Manifestors need to be lying down for at least 30 minutes before they go to sleep so that their Sacral centre can discharge all of that built up energy from the day and allow them to rest properly.
The Manifestor strategy is…To inform.
Informing is simply letting everyone know who will be affected by whatever it is you’re about to do, what it is you’re about to do.
Manifestors are the only type who can just decide to do something and provided it feels right, do it – without waiting for something to respond to or an invitation or a lunar cycle to pass.
But in order for that to work properly they need to let everyone around them know what it is they going to do.
If they don’t, their actions will be met with resistance. It won’t go well. They’ll make people feel, threatened… quite possibly angry.
By informing, that is, telling everyone what you’re about to do, you break down that resistance and so others accept your “initiating” actions. Informing brings you peace. Which is what Manifestors really want in life.
You are not asking for permission by the way. You’re simply telling them what you are about to do. They’ll get out of your way if they’ve been informed.
Manifestor Kids
That is of course, as long as you’re not a child trying to do something dangerous or not in sync with family plans. If you ARE a child trying to do either of these things, *they will probably try to stop you.
*Parents of manifestors, teach your child to ask permission. It’s a great prelude to learning to inform as an adult. And save your “no’s” for the things you really need to say no too. Your Manifestor child is here to “just do it” and you don’t want to dull that ability by stopping them too often as a child.
It’s always good policy for Manifestors to be polite and respectful when informing. It makes it so much more pleasant for everyone!
The Manifestor strategy is perhaps the easiest one of all five strategies and also one of the the least practised.
Because manifestors forget to inform (because it slows them down) and then the s#$t hits the fan because other people don’t know what’s going on and they often feel threatened.
Informing prevents this.
Be a good Manifestor.
Manifestors are here to give.
And they have so much to give.
All they really want is peace.
Some Famous Manifestors…
Susan Sarandon, Maya Angelou, Al Gore, Ra Uru Hu, Johnny Depp, Jennifer Aniston Frida Kahlo, Jennifer Aniston, Tom Cruise, Jerry Seinfeld, Patti Smith, Gwen Stefani
I’m a Human Design Specialist and if you would like to have your own Human Design chart read, you can see the sessions that I offer here…
Love Ros xx
photo credit – Photo by Anthony Roberts on Unsplash