Manifesting Generators – Busy, Busy, Busy…
Manifesting Generators make up around 32% of humanity and are one of the 5 different Human Design types.
Their energy has aspects of both the Generator and the Manifestor but their defined sacral makes them a Generator type.
Just like the Pure Generator, Manifesting Generators are here to find the right work. They are here to build, to make, to create and to love doing it.
The big differences between the two Generator types are that Manifesting Generators go fast, usually like to have lots of things on the go and in their rush will often make mistakes which need to be fixed.
Manifesting Generators need to be doing more than one thing at a time. They do much better when they have several things on the go at once. Staying put – in the one place until a job is finished, is often “too boring” to think about for Man Gens’
Before you read any further you might like to go back to my previous post on Pure Generators because much of the information there is also relevant to Manifesting Generators.
Similarities to Pure Generators.
MG’s need to wear themselves out each day just like Pure Generators do. If they don’t, they won’t be able to sleep.
And… if they’re not doing the right work they WILL burn out.
Like Pure Generators, MGens are designed to wait for signs to show up for them to respond to before taking action. That’s what the Sacral energy centre is designed to do when it’s defined – it waits for things to show up to respond too.
Similarities to Manifestors
With their motorised throat, Manifesting Generators are able to initiate conversations. They can be heard by others without waiting to be recognised. For example, they can strike up a conversation with a stranger at the communal table at a coffee shop. This is much more difficult for the non- motorised throat types; Pure Generators, Projectors and Reflectors, who all need to wait to be spoken too first.
Another similarity with Manifestors is the non-verbal creative flow state they can find themselves in. This is where the motorised throat allows them to get into a state of full creative immersion to the exclusion of everything else. It’s a state where one is not even aware of what they are doing or creating. It is indeed a beautiful, productive, free flowing state and it does NOT like to be interrupted. If a Manifesting Generator in this flow state gets interrupted, they will often react with anger. If you’re a Manifesting Generator parent you may be able to relate to this!
Like Manifestors, Man Gens because of their motorised throats, don’t really need others to be able to make things happen. In fact, many prefer to work alone depending on their definition* and what it is they are doing.
Multi-tasking and short-cuts
Manifesting Generators are often going very fast and have several things on the go. They actually NEED to be doing more than one thing at a time!
Because they go fast, they can make mistakes and often need to go back and fix things. This is what they do. It’s important to be ok with this aspect of your energy if you’re a Manifesting Generator!
They can feel that everyone else is deliberatly trying to slow them down. Which is actually sometimes the case, because other types don’t realise the need to ‘go‘ that the Manifesting Generator has. Other types will often tell them to “slow down” or “pick one thing and stick with it”, which is absolutely wrong for the Man Gen.
Because they go fast, they work out which corners can be cut. Most shortcuts were invented by Manifesting Generators.
Frustration and Anger
Frustration and/or anger can and will be experienced if they don’t wait for those previously referred to “signs” to show up in their external reality and instead just ‘push’ and try to make things happen.
Fortunately, if you treat frustration and/or anger as a symptom of you being out of alignment with your strategy, then it can be very helpful in showing you where you need to be doing things differently. It’s likely that the frustration/anger will be caused by you trying to “make” something happen. Remember, Man Gen’s need to wait for something to respond too before taking action and get the Sacral based “gut” reaction before they go ahead.
The biggest challenge for MG’s
The biggest challenge of the Manifesting Generator is to TRUST that this energetic communication with The Field is happening. Trust that life will come to you!
The Manifesting Generator’s aura is always communicating with the Universe. It’s always letting the Big U know what you need so you can be brought things to respond to. MG’s have an energy field of “availability” around them.
Manifesting Generators need to wear themselves out each day in order to be able to get a good night’s sleep.
There is sometimes a distinction between the two Generator types and the way they go to sleep. Man Gens can be so busy with so much going on in their lives and their heads, that for many, it’s important to get into bed and read or work quietly for half an hour or so to allow their energy to wind down before actually falling asleep. Try it out and see if it works for you.
The Manifesting Generator Strategy
Ok MG’s. Slow down, take a breath and read this.
I know it’s hard for you but trust me. It’ll be worth it!
The Manifesting Generator Strategy is:
- To wait for something to respond to before taking action.
- To evision in their mind what that might look like.
- To ask their sacral if this is correct for them.
- If it’s a yes, to inform everyone who will be impacted by this course of action. (hint…this is a super important step that is often overlooked by MG’s)
- Take action!
The ManGen strategy is arguably the most complex however when it is exercised correctly, it will prevent many mistakes and wrong decisions! It doesn’t take long to embrace as a strategy and it’s so worth it!
What to respond too!
- Someone saying “you’re really good at something” (eg, writing recipes/teaching/mindset etc).
- Someone suggesting that “You should write a cookbook/run a mindset seminar”
- Seeing a number plate/ licence plate that seems to have a message
- Billboards, advertising that you see
- TV show, movies, magazine ads/articles, songs on the radio, books you’re reading?
- And literally 1000’s of other things that show up for you as signs outside of your head
Refer to my previous post for Pure Generators for other ideas
Like the Pure Generator, once something shows up in your external reality for you to respond to, you need to ask your sacral if this opportunity, this potential action, is correct for you. Your sacral will answer ah ha or uh uh for yes or no.
For more information on the Sacral on this, listen to this episode of Essential Oils by Design podcast. It’s called “The sounds of the Sacral and how to use it”
Informing – the On-Boarding process
Informing is a vital part of the Manifesting Generator strategy. If this important step is missed, things can go wrong!
As a Manifesting Generator, when you inform, those who will be affected by your decisions come on board with you. Informing is an on-boarding process that aligns all of the energies around your decision.
It’s not about you asking for permission.
You have the ability to “just do” what is correct for you without asking for permission, provided you use your strategy.
Part of your strategy to make the process flow smoothly without ruffling feathers or upsetting others is informing and getting people on board with your energy.
It’s about familiarising others with what is about to happen so that your energies are in alignment.
Don’t forget to INFORM
Because Manifesting Generators go so fast they often forget to inform.
And then… it doesn’t work. People get angry with them. It’s not fun.
Informing prevents this.
Be a good Manifesting Generator.
Follow your strategy, and especially… don’t forget to inform!
Manifesting Generators are here to do a lot.
They light up the world with enthusiasm and passion.
Some Famous Manifesting Generators…
Beyoncé, Hillary Clinton, Mother Teresa, Donald Trump, Katy Perry, Tony Robbins, Angelina Jolie, David Beckham.
I’m a Human Design Specialist and if you would like to have your own Human Design chart read, you can see the sessions that I offer here…
Love Ros xx
(*Definition in the chart refers to whether all of the energy centres in their own chart are connected or are split. Split, Triple or Quad split Manifesting Generators may prefer to be around others.)