I’m Ros and I’m a Human Design Specialist.
Welcome to Find Your Natural Groove – Human Design with Ros Isbel.
I started my Human Design journey in 2016.
A a couple of months after being introduced to Human Design (my Emotional Solar Plexus is defined), I was totally and absolutely hooked. I couldn’t get enough of it. I listened, read, watched, took classes, absorbed anything Human Design for pretty much 2 years straight. I became a Human Design Specialist. And I haven’t stopped learning.
Back then, virtually no one had heard of Human Design. It’s hard to imagine these days but it really was an exotic concept and most of my work was done introducing people to the system.
8 years down the track and despite my Undefined G Centre, I know that Human Design is a massive part of my life while I’m here this time round.
It gives me the certainty I have pined for all my life and struggled to find.. It never fails me. It’s brilliance is stunning to me.
And it’s now my life’s mission to bring it’s brilliance to you.
Our lives are filled with expectations;
The expectations that we have of life and the expectations placed upon us by family, work, friends and of course, social conditioning. We are constantly being reminded of how we should behave, what the “normal” way of being/feeling is and what isn’t acceptable in spite of what might feel true and right to us.
We do what we are expected to do whether we like to or not. We might follow a life path that we thought was our dream only to find out it really wasn’t.
Truly, it can be very difficult to know how our minds and bodies are supposed to feel. Our lives are so overloaded with stress and stressors that we don’t know what our natural state is anymore.
This is just how life was for me until I worked out how to find my natural groove.
That’s where Human Design comes in
I’m a Human Design Specialist. Human Design is the most incredible life navigation and personality tool that I’ve ever come across. Before discovering Human Design, I had no idea that anything existed that could give such certainty about my life and what I was here to do.
Human Design describes the real me with uncanny accuracy and it has woken up parts of me that have been asleep for years. As a result, it’s given me the confidence to do things with my life that had only been dreams in the past – I didn’t realise until I understood my design, that what I dreamed of doing was actually what I was meant to do all this time.
Most of the time, we are surrounded by excess.
Excess toxins in our food chain, the air we breathe and the products we put on our bodies and in our houses are putting added stress on our systems. Excess processed food, excess pharmaceuticals, excess social media. Excess stuff in our lives!
Don’t get me wrong, I love a pretty dress or a comfy couch as much as the next person. And I work hard on getting more beauty in my life everyday. But an excess of excess can make us numb to the way we are really meant to feel.
There are some big myths out there surrounding our health and what it takes to experience true wellness. What it takes to be able to wake up in the morning feeling like you’re able to do what ever you want, and actually wanting to do it!
What works for them may well be your poison.
Just as we have differing food and nutritional requirements, we each have differing personalities, strengths, wisdoms and vulnerabilities. Human Design shows us that plainly and simply.
The challenge is in how we deal with all these pieces of the puzzle. Working on finding solutions is something I weave into all my work because health and wellness in every respect; mind, body, soul and spirit is so very important to me.
I just want everyone to feel wonderful……it’s in my Human Design. As a Human Design Specialist, it’s what I strive to help you with.
Being true to yourself will keep you healthy. The challenge for you should you choose to accept it, is to find the real you.
Let me help you.
On the personal front…
I live in Melbourne Australia with my partner and our daughter. She’s 17 and the light of my life. Ask anyone who knows me!
I grew up in the country, one of 3 kids to a couple of incredibly dedicated and wonderful school teachers (they weren’t bad parents either!). We had a gypsy type life moving from town to town and school to school – what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right! I spent most of my childhood outside, riding bikes, playing with the various dogs and cats we always had, building cubbies in the bush, forming clubs (and making stationary for the clubs – my stationary obsession has not subsided!), having picnics with friends, racing to be home in time for the 5.30 deadline.
We always had a productive garden – I come from a long line of productive gardeners. We often had holidays in wine areas – which is where my obsession with wine comes from – I love the smell of a winery. I always had the radio on the coolest music station I could find – radio reception was tough in some of those country towns – kids these days and their Spotify! They don’t know how good they have it!
After finishing school, I worked in several corporate jobs (it’s my open G centre) and worked my way up every time to the point of my own incompetence (The 31 in my unconscious Sun)
I held way to much responsibility way to young, resulting in my body shutting down from stress at the age of 23. I was lucky…when I was looking for an out, a very progressive Head Hunter told me that in my current mental state, nobody would employ me – she introduced me to Shakti Gawain and NLP – this was 1988 people!
I learnt so much from that experience – although not enough to get me out of corporate life straight away!
I had my first and only child at age 42 after having several (11) mercury amalgams removed from my mouth. You can read about that here
Here’s a few more random things about me.
- I am passionate about music. I particularly love music from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s but I’m pretty good at picking out (what I think is) the best of the current stuff too. Music soothes the soul or gets you moving – whatever you need at the time.
- I love gardening. Or more correctly, I love the satisfaction that having a productive garden brings. The act of gardening is a fairly pleasant means to an end and a great way to get in touch with Mother Earth.
- I love good food, good wine and good coffee. I also like tea but I can take or leave squash and I hate green peas. For a while, I also wrote the occasional review on organic and low input wines. I felt qualified to do so because I had the pleasure of working and studying in the wine industry for 10 years prior to studying Nutritional Medicine. I actually wanted to be a wine maker from the time I was 11 years old until I realised at the end of year 11 that chemistry was not my strong suit. I love good wine. I can’t be bothered with average wine and so I don’t drink a lot!
- I love the rain. I always have, even when it wasn’t fashionable
- My favourite Rose is Dainty Bess, a rare single musk pink with Raspberry coloured
stamens. I have one and it’s very special – a gift from my parents.
- I believe that what we put into and on our bodies pretty much determines our life expectancy barring getting in the way of buses; and that petroleum based products, pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers and electromagnetic radiation from power lines and tech products will one day be proven to be the cause of many of our modern day ailments. Second only to not following your Human Design strategy.
- I despise artificial sweeteners! They taste awful and they are really really bad for you!
- I despise the concept and existence of genetically modified organisms and GMO food. Don’t get me started…..
- I believe that cooking is a lot about confidence and only a little about skill
- My partner in life (hate the term!) likes to keep a low profile. You won’t hear about him much but he’s always here in the background supporting and encouraging.
- I’ve found my Natural Groove and I want to help you to too!
I’d love it if you would become part of my journey and allow me to share your journey with you.
Much love to you
I’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions or comments send them through.