The Human Design Head Center
Are you one of the 70% of us who have an undefined Head Centre?
Or is your Human Design Head Center coloured in yellow on your Human Design body graph?
The Head Centre at the very top of the chart is the centre for ideas and inspirations. This center is also a pressure centre – putting pressure on you to think and to make sense of things.
An Undefined Head Center
When your Head Centre is undefined or white, then you are taking in ideas and inspirations from all over the place. You feel pressure to have the answer; to know all. And it can feel like you constantly need to get all the stuff out of your head.
Relax and know that you are designed to have fun with these ideas and inspirations that come to you. You’re not meant to act on all of them. Actually, you’re meant to act on very few of them and only in accordance with your strategy.
Your Head is Defined
If your Head Centre is defined or coloured in yellow in a standard HD chart, then you have a consistent way of thinking depending on what gates and channel/s you have defined. It can feel like you’re under pressure to continually ask and answer questions.
With your defined Head Center, you are an inspiring person, capable of inspiring the other 70% of us. You are broadcasting your thoughts, ideas and inspirations out to everyone else. Be careful of your thoughts, ideas and inspirations please 😉.
As with the undefined Head Centre, you are not meant to act on everything that comes into your head. You’re only meant to act on those “things that come to you via your strategy.
And for everyone
For everyone, heads are amazing. We’d be lost without them quite frankly.
But they’re for thinking with, for mulling things over, for playing with possibility.
They are NOT for making decisions with.
They are rubbish at making decisions!
Don’t make decisions with your head.
Use your strategy instead
Hope this has been helpful no matter what your head looks like!
(If you don’t already have your own Human Design chart, you can get one from mybodygraph.com)
Want a free Quick Guide to the 5 Human Design types?
You can grab one by going here. This one page document will give you a great and surprisingly detailed heads up on what this amazing system can teach you about yourself by knowing your type.
If you’re interested in scheduling a session to learn more about you or your family’s Human Design, go here. Book a Human Design Session
Lots of love
Ros xx