a 7 week program about Human Design & You

Human Design gives you permission to be who you really are.
It allows you to fall in love with you.
Because when you find out who you really are,

you won't be able to help yourself.

Do you want to learn more about Human Design?

Are you curious about your future in this world that's changing so quickly?

Are you ready to fall in love with yourself?

Then join me for Holistic Human Design
a 7 week live online program
commencing September 13th/12th  (depending on your location in the world*)

Holistic Human Design is suitable for anyone, no matter what their HD knowledge is.
The content of this program is different from anything else available.
The aim of the program is to learn about Human Design from a holistic perspective; overlaying the traditional principles of human design with our physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and real lives.

You might be very familiar with Human Design; you might have very little or nothing about it.  Or you might land somewhere in between.

You are ready though, to level up in your knowledge of yourself and those around you.

the program will cover

  • What Human Design is and how it brings alignment and flow into your life
  • How each of the 5 Human Design types are designed to operate so you can understand how you and others you know function and engage with life
  • The way your energy works depending on the definition and openness in your chart - your design blueprint
  • How you are designed to make decisions that are correct for you and your energy
  • To trust your own innate ability to create a life that's your perfect life
  • Deconditioning 
  • And so much more.

The incredible life navigation tool that is Human Design, shows you the truth of who you are - some of which you already know but haven't yet worked to take advantage of, and plenty that you may have suspected over the years.

Each week for 90 minutes during this 7 week journey, you'll gather new information allowing you to understand yourself and those around you in a way that you never have before.

You'll learn about the basics and foundations of Design and then some.

All in a way that's easy to understand.

Human Design can be overwhelming when you first meet it.  
Ros has a knack for removing the complexities and breaking the information down into relatable, easy to understand but rich meaningful language.  
She's able to infuse it with the everyday...to demystify it.  

No one should miss out on the incredible information this system has to offer because they don't have the time or the design to decipher it.

when you take this program you'll:

  • accelerate your spiritual evolution
  • begin (or advance) your deconditioning process
  • remind yourself of where you came from
  • allow yourself a beautiful space for self-nurturing
  • and to receive the gift that is Human Design.

Our 7 weeks together will include

  • how to recognise and avoid burnout
  • ways to raise your vibration
  • knowledge on sensitivity & emotions and how they play into our individual designs and those of others
  • why "no" is often the correct answer
  • how to recognise and appreciate your loved ones and others in your life by understanding who they were born to be
  • how our energies intermingle with each other
  • spiritual practices to help balance and align

    And plenty more.

Your Teacher... 

Ros Isbel is a Human Design Specialist, teacher and channel who is completely and absolutely passionate about Human Design.
She has the rare and special ability to break this complex information down into relatable, applicable and transformational information for everyone.

Ros works with people from all over the world offering teaching, readings and in-depth coaching. 
She has a soul resonance that allows her to connect deeply with people, bringing their charts to life and offering them the gift and power of knowing their own Human Design.

She teaches and interprets the chart with the intention of giving a real understanding and acceptance of who you are and what you are here to do.

She also produces the Essential Oils by Design podcast in collaboration with Human Design specialist Nani Chesire, and together, they talk and teach about Human Design, 

Join Ros and other students on this immersive experience of Holistic Human Design.

Register for information regarding Feb 2022 Intake

*Our 7 weeks of live classes will be held each Monday 
(Australian time)

September 13th 2021 - 11.00am 
Sunday September 12th 9pm 
New York

6pm Los Angeles.
Monday Sept 13th - 2am 
London, 3am Berlin

 9am Perth

(Please note daylight savings changeovers will affect timings during the program calendar.  Start time always Melbourne/Sydney 11am)

Each class is 90 minutes

All classes will be conducted live on zoom
(You'll be provided with your zoom link prior to first class)

All classes will be recorded and available for you to watch and rewatch at your leisure.

UK/European participants

I'll also be hosting 3 live Q & A/discussion calls at a European/UK friendly time to give those of you who are unable to make the weekly classes an opportunity to chat and ask questions. 
I've tried to mix up the times a little so as many people as possible have an opportunity to come along. Registered participants will receive notification prior.

They'll also be held on zoom at:
September 22nd 8PM AEST (11am London, 12noon Berlin, 6pm Perth)
October 7th 6PM AEST (8am London, 9am Berlin, 3pm Perth)
October 21st 7PM AEST - Full Moon (9am London, 10am Berlin, 4pm Perth)

Please contact
if you have any further questions.

Human Design gives you permission to be you; bringing you into alignment with the real you.
When you are in alignment, your life flows with abundance.


I can't make the live calls. Will there be a replay?

Absolutely.  While it would be wonderful to have you at each live call,  Each call will be recorded and the recording will be uploaded to the course program site for you to view as often as you like

How do we meet?

We meet on zoom each week.  You will be provided with the link to join prior to our first class.  

I've been studying Human Design for a while now. Is the program still suitable for me?

Holistic Human Design is suitable for anyone, no matter what their HD knowledge is.  the content of this program is different from anything else available.  The aim of the program is look at Human Design from a holistic perspective overlaying the traditional principles of human design with our physical, Emotional, mental, spiritual and real lives.

I know nothing at all about Human Design. Will I be able to keep up?

Yes absolutely.  whether you know nothing or very little, you will be able to keep up.  we will be covering HD basics in the program.
Extra resources will also be provided in the course program area enabling you to enrich your human design experience.

Will there be another round of this program?

Perhaps.  But definitely not at this price. 

If I come to the call live do I have to show my face?

No of course not.  But I'd love it if you did.  No pressure at all though.  This is a place for you to feel completely safe

Cancellation Policy                                                                             Disclaimer