This week, a guest post from my beautiful friend Maria Davis. Maria is an amazing Medical Intuitive – more on that at the end of the page! In this post she explains to us how our behaviours and particularly those of our kids are really a maths problem! Who would have thought! This is incredible and valuable information for anyone who has children in their lives (and that’s the majority of us!). Consider yourself empowered now! Here’s what she has to say:
As a mother of 2 grown children, my daughter is 20 and my son is 17, I wish I had known this information as they were growing up. I may have understood them and their actions a little more than I did. As an Italian passionate mother with control issues, there was lots of yelling. But, even so, I feel like everything was just as it was meant to be.
In my Medical Intuition training, I was introduced to the Millenium Grid, developed by Jean Sheehan. There is more information on the website As Jean states – it is the “maths conscious creation to design your destiny and accessing your potentiality.” It is a mathematical code.
Every 13 years of life , we go through the same patterns. Unless they are cleared at the different stage, they just repeat themselves. This is so insightful and just knowing this can clear energetic blockages.
So it goes like this
Age 1 – ego. We are born and our ego starts to develop. Baby’s cry for attention.
Age 2 – judgement and awakening Terrible twos – become curious and decides that certain actions create reactions.
Age 3 – illusions – things start to shift and we start to feel separate from each other and possibilities
Age 4 – heart space – they see the world from a loving space
Age 5 – freedom – seek to be free
Age 6 – expression of self – they start to formulate their own opinions
Age 7 – imprint – imprint age
Age 8 – integration of self – all they have learned comes together
Age 9 – completion of physical – they start to notice their female or maleness
Age 10 – mental mind (monkey mind – starts to develop)
Age 11 – responsibility – they start to be take responsibility for themselves and their environment
Age 12 – completion – the stage of development is complete
Age 13 – end story – stories end and new beginning emerge.
So the next time the children are playing up or developing some character, check out the grid and see where they fit in the emotional stages, it may explain why their behavior may not be congruent with expectations.
Anywho happy mothering!! It is the best thing I have ever done 🙂
With love, Maria xx
Maria Davis is a Medical Intuitive, an Educator, a Life Coach and a Body Whisperer. She works with Luminaries such as Healers, Health Coaches and Heart Centered Entrepreneurs who at some level know that their beliefs, thoughts and patterns are contributing to their ill health, energy levels, lack of direction, anxiety and stress levels.
Maria’s genius is to release fear, dissolve physical and emotional pain, rediscover inner knowingness and awaken to potential and possibilities. Maria uses unique energy techniques together with mindset tools to break free of old patterns and introduce new ways of achieving life goals.
Download Maria’s free training program “How to Develop your Intuition” at and connect with Maria on facebook,
This explains so much about my 5 & 8 year olds. My 8 year old seems to have really settled into himself so much lately, whereas the 5 year old has gone wild!
Hello gorgeous Angela – ooh yes absolutely!!! Have fun & enjoy the little angels. with love, Maria xx
Well, my 6 year old son Daniel has well and truly embraced the expression of self and forming his own opinions – lucky he has two parents that are ok with him expressing those opinions 🙂
isnt it cool to see the stages Helena – for me it gives me aha’s now that I know – just view action and reaction differently – maybe with alittle more compassion. With love, Maria xx