Defined Energy Centres – the truth of you.
In the previous post, we talked about the Energy Centres – what they are and what they do. If you haven’t read this yet, you can find it here.
In this post, we’ll be looking specifically at your Defined Centres.
So grab your chart and let’s begin to see what is going on with those coloured shapes.
Your Definition is Broadcasting information out
Wherever you have coloured shapes on your Human Design chart, you have a centre that is broadcasting energy and information out.
As we know from the previous post, when an energy centre is defined, it is broadcasting your energy frequency into the ethers; your consistent, reliable, sustainable way of expressing or experiencing the particular energy of that centre.
It is in this broadcasting or disseminating, that your Defined Energies, through their frequencies, are naturally attracting (think magnetising) others, particularly in their open centres.
By the way, this happens with your defined gates too.
Our True Nature
The centres you have defined are your true nature. They are where you are designed to truly know yourself.
Those defined centres also determine your authority. Your Human Design authority is your guidance system once you’ve used your decision making strategy.
(If you would like to know more about Authority, watch this video.)
Your Defined centres are where you are less likely to be conditioned by others. Your natural way of being is much less likely to be influenced or changed – by your family, friends, marketing, school, work – society in general.
Remember, this is where you have your own consistent, reliable, sustainable energy. It’s much harder to be swayed away from your defined energy because of this.
It is where you are much more likely to recognise and honor your own truth.
But Humans being Humans….
Ironically, even though it’s our defined centres that represent the real us, we will often ignore them in favour of our open centres which DON’T represent the real us (more on the open centres in the next post). The reason we do that really just comes down to Human nature – our tendency to find what we don’t know to be fascinating.
The beauty of you understanding who you are through your defined centres is that you can live out your potential. Those open centres in your bodygraph are really to know about others, not yourself.
And if you happen to be a Reflector reading this, well of course, that’s what you are here to do – to know others.
And remember, what YOU broadcast out of those centres as well as your defined gates and channels is having an effect on others and potentially conditioning them.
So you can see how we are influencing each others. you can also see how important it is, especially right now, to be vibing in the highest frequency possible.
That way, we are broadcasting the highest expression of the energies. And that’s got to be a good thing for us and for everyone.